Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Ghostwriter

This blog is ghost written.This is the work of a maniac who is beyond redemption. Now that the disclaimer has been claimed shall we move on?
Name:The G
Place: Planet Earth
Date:23/09/2004 (If you live in North Korea its 23rd september Juche 93.)

This article is about why I was chosen to write all future articles in this blog instead of the owner.
This is the era of the politically correct writing. You cant call a negro, a negro. Neither is it advisable to call a short man a short man, or a tall man a tall man. There are socially acceptable terms for all of the above. I am sure a detailed explanation wont be needed, the terms, vertically challenged, mentally challenged, odourly challenged (Someone who has a phobia about taking showers) ,etc should be familiar to all except those who live in a cave (Osama, this one is not for you I guess). Shakespear in all his wisdom said "A rose by another name smells just the same". Now try selling that idea to those weird politicos who come up with the most ridiculous terms. A dirty old man is now a "Sexually focused chronologically gifted individual". A Psychopath is known as a "socially misaligned person" (Friggin A.Way to go. Socially misaligned!!! What next? A serial killer will be "a population reduction expert"?)

The mainstream writers, editors and whatchucallits are shit scared to call a spade a spade (Oh my gawd I used the word shit, hope they dont target me with a smart bomb.) What the fuck (Now what have I gone and done "Fuck"?, its low yeild nuclear bomb time) is wrong with people, why is being called black considered degrading, I mean people pay extra to have their cars painted black, a black pearl is worth a hell (Oh there goes...more cussing) a lot more than their white counterparts. So why in goddamn name of god cant a black guy be called a black guy.

Like it or not, most of the politically correct terms are born in the land of freedom (For those who came in late "the land of freedom" essentialy means the United States of America). The Iraqi's should be happy that they are called "middle easterners" instead of "those crazy brown islam bastards". Never mind that they are going to be smart bombed out of existence anyways, but the point is at least they went to meet their maker as "middle easterners" not as "crazy.........". America is the worlds policeman ( oops make that policeperson). If a civilian building is bombed in mainland America, it is an act of terrorism. But if they bomb ten buildings in downtown Bagdad then thats considered a fight to free the Iraqi's. Now if someone decideds to bomb eight more buildings in D.C would that be considered a fight to free the Americans? Ahh...questions, questions....more questions.

Take for example Saudi Arabia. Everyone agrees that its has one of the most despotic families ruling it. The family of Saud has been clandestinely financing every Islamic terror group in the world. They have probably instituted an annual award for the best terrorist organisation. The king or one of his cronies presents the winners with a few million dollars and a couple of dirty bombs. Now the money for this would have come from the sale of oil to the USA and other countries. The Americans are essentialy paying the terrorists to bomb their cities albeit after paying the Saudi royals a large commission for transferring the cash. Why dont the Americans realise that its more cost effective to cut the middle man and bomb their own damn buildings.

The reason why I am writing this instead of the owner of this blog is

a. He will not get a visa to the USA if he carries on in this manner.
b. He will be targeted by radical islamic terrorists.( At this point I should like to note that the owner is keen on havin his head on his shoulders and he will be mighty cross if his head is taken out for a guided tour of islamic shrines without the rest of his body in tow).
c. "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure", with a President who comes out with such great nuggets of wisdom the world is definitely a safer place.

Have a nice day :-) and enjoy the first day of the rest of your life.
This blog will be updated regularly.

All monetary contributions to be sent to,

"The Imelda Marcos Shoe Fund"
PO BoX 03403

The H
Its time to take my medicine. NEVER MIND WHAT THEY SAY, MPD IS CURABLE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 cheers to the author.
Hey the owner of the blog chose well in hiring out this ghost.
More, please.

5:56 AM  

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