Saturday, July 30, 2005

Nitwits and Nitpickers

The Pakistani defense forum informs us that there is an Indian connection to the London bombings. According to them,
“An India connection with the London bombings has emerged after police named two of the potential suicide bombers who tried to blow themselves up on the London transport network last Thursday.
The devices the bombers assembled were in plastic food storage containers made in India, each six-and-a-quarter liters in size with a white lid, which were then put in dark-colored rucksacks.” (Full article)
Though the story is attributed to an Indian newspaper the Paki’s have gratefully taken it as an endorsement of an Indian hand in the blasts.

I was thinking that these guys were crazy, but now I am pretty sure they are Crazy Stupid. What kind of an idiot comes out with this theory? So, the shirts the bombers wore might have come from South Africa, the shoes from Taiwan, and there is a good probability that they drank a can of Pepsi before embarking on their boom boom trip, so there is an American connection too.
Our neighbors are beginning to clutch at straws in their attempt to wiggle away from what is clearly a case of the ISI’s madcap adventures during the past few decades coming back to haunt them. But, an Indian connection because ‘the bombs were assembled in food containers made in India’ is definitely one for the 1001 joke book.
The PDF unlike its name is not a defense forum, it’s more of an India bashing forum. But the praiseworthy point is, they let Indians post their opinions on it unlike the privately run Indian defense forum Bharat-Rakshak run by some self appointed dimwitted guards of Indian pride. India bashing posts on this forum is quite often deleted by the moderators. A forum is all about pitting your opinions against your opponents. Deleting their opinions doesn’t help in any way other than letting the world know that you are an intolerant asshole.
And bashing a failed state doesn’t help either them or us, nor does it help you get laid or gets you a free lunch. Pick someone of a similar size instead of trying to show you have a bigger dick than those wimps.
Only when we get out of the mindset of comparing ourselves with Pakistan in every sphere of life, can we truly aspire for a place in the global leadership. Till then we will keep trashing each other till we are both eventually dumped into the trashcan of history.

Contributions to:
Fund for a XXXXXXXXXXXXL Trash Can to dump ourselves
UN Rubbish Clearing Council


Blogger Unknown said...

In case you didn't notice, one cannot read about your Alaskan outing in its full length. The page is getting truncated on load.

Cheap tactics at building suspense? It works!

12:02 AM  
Blogger Antimatter said...

Building the suspense!! No Lazy, try another browser or clear your cache! It works fine for me.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hehe no AM. It loads and then dissappears, leaving just an arrow. Like this "-->". And no, its not a hyperlink. I have to be on my toes and press the stop button; one nanosecond late and it's gone.

Anyway, congrats, on getting to the other side of the door. (Visiting Alaska)

1:39 AM  
Blogger Antimatter said...

Maybe it is hasnt reached the comfort zone with you yet. Maybe its feeling shy. You might have to work on it a bit before it reveals all to you. As I said earlier, its perfectly ok with me. But then its mine. ;-)

2:31 AM  

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