Monday, November 07, 2005

NutWar Singh's Oily Folly and other stories

Oil's well in the western front. Nuthings right in the eastern front. Our foreign minister has apparantly been dipping his fingers in an oily gravy and licking them dry. Volker has gone bonkers over this mild indiscreation on the part of a mid level world leader. This calls for some serious head rolling (and eye ball rolling).
Sad.Damn things always come back to haunt the Netas though they never seem to learn from them. Congress leaders temptation to rake in the money, while sitting on their fanny isnt really funny anymore.

Rain, Rain, go away,come again another day, Chennai looks like a flooded bay (Poetic license ;-) ). Millions in varied currencies (mostly aid from, the World bank, Asia development bank, Indian bank, Blood bank and any other bank willing to loan money) spent in desilting storm water drains and dredging the estuarys of our fair city came to a big zilch when rain lashed and trashed the city four days in a row. The government decided to take a loan from Crocodile bank (the only ones who havent lent money for city development so far) to pay Rs.2000 to each of the affected families. After the usual deductions for kickbacks, palm greasing etc, each family was given a sum of Rs.2.50.

Bomb blasts in the capital during the diwali weekend have underscored the importance of the peace talks with our neighbor. Once we have opened the LOC for Kashmiris, Punjabis, Rajastanis, AL-queda, Laksher-e-toiba et all to cross over, all problems will be solved. We just need to convert ourselves to hard core religeous fanatics and bomb ourselves and the rest of the world to oblivion. No more humans. Therefore no more bomb blasts. You want simple solution to complex problems? Drop me a mail.


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