Wednesday, October 06, 2004


I was born one 23rd October 2003. It was a rainy afternoon and the sun was trying its best to beat a path through the clouds. I remember the first thing I saw when I came into this world. It was my mother giving me a disgusted look. I was different from the others you see. I was black, and that was a first in the family.I had a funny nose it was tilted all wrong and I had a big bottom. Actually it was massive by regular standards. Now that was the high point of my life, from then on things went downhill.
I was shunned by the others, not allowed in any of their games and never allowed to share their food. I had to go find my own food in the yard. Sometimes I was lucky, others I just went hungry.
My mother was a classic beauty, she was the most sought after female in the entire town.The males used to have long fights over who gets the right to spend time with her. Me, I was either ignored or barely tolerated. My mother refused to look in my direction, to her I was an abberation, an accident, a result of bad karma.
Over the days I learnt to ignore the jibes and tolerate the jokes about my looks. Many a time I had to fight bullies who had nothin better to do with their time than to pick on someone.
As days went by all the fighting and running resulted in me becoming one of the most physically fit in town. At that time I didnt realise that the proudest moment of my life would be a direct result of my fitness.
One day my landlord came and took me to this nice mexican restaurant on the outskirts of the town. I was to stay there for the next few days. It was quite amusing watching the comings and goings of different people.There were couples who were making up over a taco after a long fight at home, there were construction workers talking about tensile strengths and erections over a bottle of tequila.There were policemen whispering about the new gang in town and large ladys smelling of expensive perfumes.
On my third day in the restaurant, the chef Gonsalves caught me by my neck and put me in a funny machine that made weird noises. When I came out I was in a kind of daze.The fact that the chef was looking at me and telling his sous chef that I had a great body should have rung a bell but then I was in seventh heaven, I mean the chef is a hard guy to please and a compliment from him is surely worth gloating over. The chef put me on the table and raised a knife. As the knife was coming down the last thing I remember was Gonsalves telling his assistant," This chi........."

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