Monday, October 11, 2004

Jumpstarting the Moron's Neurons.

Moron:(noun) a very foolish or stupid person. a person of sub normal intelligence.
Neuron: (noun) a single nerve cell, including its axons and dendrites.
Long ago when mammoths roamed the land and the continents of Asia and America were still joined at the hip, there lived a tribe. Actually they were they were the only tribe of humans in this planet.Though they were few in numbers they were extremely intelligent (IQ's in the stratosphere kinds).All, except for one. This man was a moron (look above for meaning.)and he went by the name Dork.While the tribe was busy inventing the wheel, sliced bread, etc, Dork was busy gazing at his feet (this being a slightly difficult job since his belly was of considerable size). The men and women of the tribe were a bit ashamed of this dark spot in the white shirt of their spotless reputation, so they decided to do something about it.
They thought and thought and thought about how to jump start the mornon's neurons (look above for explanation).They thought so hard that combined workings of their neurons heated the area around them (The first instance of global warming).Finally one small boy barely into his eighth year of life came up with an idea.
He said "Let us wire ourselves together and take the end and clip it to Dork. The combined power of all our neurons should jump start his".(Considering the fact that cars and such devices weren't targeted to be invented for another six thousand years, the jump starting idea was truly remarkable).
Thus one rainy morning they did exactly as proposed.The entire tribe assembled in the cricket ground (Yet another remarkable achievement, you know why!)and ran a wire through their ears and plugged the end to Dork's speakers. They concentrated on getting their brains to full power. At its peak the earth became warmer by five degrees, the polar ice caps melted, the birds flying south for vacation took a U turn, the sea boiled, the sea became one giant cauldron of marinara sauce. There was so much brain power that God was temporarily pushed to the second spot in the Intelligence Top 100 rankings. Suddenly there was a flash of light and a horrible cracking noise. Dork, on this rainy day had decided to open his mouth to the sky and drink a bit of the water that was anyway heading to dilute the marinara sauce.The water short circuited and literally fried the entire circuit. The members of the tribe went from being the most intelligent beings on the planet to levels that were roughly one point below a cow's (Or rather to the same level as Dork). The human race has stayed at that point since then.Though the humans grew in numbers during the course of time, their capacity to grow in intelligence has been hampered since that rainy day.

Contributions to ,
The Prince Andrew fund for enlightened Utterings,
Buckingham Palace,


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