Friday, September 30, 2005

Boob Shows and Booby Traps

Night Clubs and bars in Chennai have been put on the watch list. The ‘multitude’(a grand total of four) of Nightclubs in the city have been told to make sure their patrons are properly attired or they face a bevy of penalties that include jail terms, fines and cancellation of licenses. This long overdue action by the city police needs to be lauded by all.
Thousands of homeless people in the city defecate and change their clothes in the streets. A few million go to the temple and watch topless deities do the mating dance. Hundreds of men and women throng the gates of ashrams that are run by pimps wearing saffron robes and screwing everything including the kitchen sink.
Ah, nightclubs! The place where sin is codified, the defilement of tradition is condoned, the unholy place where the youth grow horns and pointed tails. The government cannot afford to stand by and watch a whole generation being flushed down the sewage lines of life. It is only right that the police move in like a SWAT team to shut down these dens of evil and save our innocent teenagers from choosing the path of the devil.
For a nation that gave the Kamasutra, a country that worships sex and every thing associated with it, we do need someone to tell us that a bit of a boob show or a flash of legs is a sure ticket on the non stop flight to hell. Maybe the policemen who accidentally rape women are the best judges of what’s right and what’s not. Or maybe it is the government filled with people of high morals who go to various far eastern destinations to get laid, who should frame the obscenity laws. Maybe the righteous media, with its penchant for publishing really important news about the private lives of celebrities and the ilk, that should take up the cudgels on behalf of a generation just wanting to let their hair loose after a tough day at college, work or whatever.
Fucking Idiots. Maybe they will bring their collective heads out of the sand at some point of time in the future and realize that eroctism and sex is as natural as breathing. Till then I will get my daily quota of erotic material at the closest temple.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Blogged down

After spending a few months out in the wild studying the mating habits of the Doonsweldkempflausen wild duck I finally found a computer and a place with an internet connection.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge and over New Orleans in the past few months. Oil prices have decided to hop onto the Endevour for a journey into the stratosphere, Iran is being painted with big red concentric circles by the IAEA for American target practise, Narain Karthikeyan has come a respectable 15th in the Brazil grand prix. He's said that he is happy with his performance of coming 15th with 15 cars finishing the race. Loser. Some Imams have issued a fatwa against Sania Mirzas choice of on-court clothes, Mirza has decided to wear a Salwar Khameez and Purdha at the French Open.
The AM is back to restless mode and rest assured that is not a good thing for people around him.