Monday, February 20, 2006

Hate Mail!!!

Yipeee, I got hate mail! Here's what I got from a soul (a member of the female species) in the US of A. I think it pertains to some thing I posted about PMS and depression about a year ago, its funny though.. read on...

"I truly hope you receive this. You’re an ass. Get real with life and human beings. Nothing nor anyony is perfect. Yourself included. Please get off your high horse and join the human race. You sadly must be so lonely. Karma is such an amazing thing, eh? Move on….

Who are you to judge any type of disorder? Damn guy, pretty f-ing arrogant. Ever been depressed? I guess not. Fuck you ass hole!"

Reply time.

I did receive it, as you might have deduced already.
I am an ass? I agree, never doubted the fact.
Join the human race? With the kind of people who seem to populate the human race, me thinks I am better off staying away from it.
Lonely? Me? I have MPD, I never get lonely.
Karma is an amazing thing.(Dont miss the period.) Move on? Why?Where?
I don't judge any disorder(s), I mock them.
Nopes, never been depressed. Full marks for getting that right.
Fuck you? If you look pretty enough, I might consider it!!
Now go take a Prozac and lie down.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


The AM is off to Cuba this week! Stand by for Pictures and stories of Che, Fidel and other irrelevant stuff.