Airport security
One hyphenated word sums up airport security. D-UH
Either terrorists are morons or regular passengers survive purely on luck. Even if the former is true the latter still holds true.
At the security desk of a local airport a long line of passengers patiently wait for the security staff to frisk them (a couple of shifty eyed forty something males look like they actually look forward to the frisking. Considering the fact that the plane’s next destination is Bangkok, I am not really surprised).
A bald man and his entourage walk towards security. The uniforms on duty snap to attention and wave him through. No checking bags, no frisking, no cursory checks. The uniforms are so engrossed on standing in their stiffest posture that they don’t notice that the baldies tails are carrying luggage that are way bigger than the allowed size for cabin baggage. The scene is a little comical, a bit like ducklings following momma duck. But the humor in it is quickly lost as I realize that any one of the tails can carry a home brewed bomb in one of those oversized bags and I might be shark feed in two hours. The fact that security seems fuck all bothered about whether the ducklings are a part of baldy's brood, or if an Al-Queda mobile destruction unit has sneaked in along with them, makes me want to scream at the uniforms. Baldy gets his boarding card stamped by a uniform who is still standing like he’s got serious hemorrhoid issues. I notice that none of the other ducklings carry a boarding card. This gets me even more jittery. What the hell is happening here?
a) A man is sent to board an aircraft without any of the basic security checks,
b) He and his personal porters breeze through security without so much as an identity check,
c) One can't be really sure that they are all HIS porters.
Here we are, pathetic passengers going through the kind of frisking and probing even a convicted drug smuggler wouldn’t have endured. Over zealous security staff checking our belongings a million times, displaying the contents of our bags like a vendor in a carnival. And there, is a bald shithead (whose major claim to fame would be the number of murders in his resume) walking past us like the president of a sovereign nation.
Fifteen minutes after take off, I proceed to get smashed drunk. If I am to be shark feed, the least I could do is marinate myself in good whiskey and give those poor things a feast. Let the world not remember me as shark food. I am shark FEAST.
Please send your contributions to:
Victims fund for 9/11, 9/12, 9/13…
Airport Security Agencies Around The World
Planet Earth
Either terrorists are morons or regular passengers survive purely on luck. Even if the former is true the latter still holds true.
At the security desk of a local airport a long line of passengers patiently wait for the security staff to frisk them (a couple of shifty eyed forty something males look like they actually look forward to the frisking. Considering the fact that the plane’s next destination is Bangkok, I am not really surprised).
A bald man and his entourage walk towards security. The uniforms on duty snap to attention and wave him through. No checking bags, no frisking, no cursory checks. The uniforms are so engrossed on standing in their stiffest posture that they don’t notice that the baldies tails are carrying luggage that are way bigger than the allowed size for cabin baggage. The scene is a little comical, a bit like ducklings following momma duck. But the humor in it is quickly lost as I realize that any one of the tails can carry a home brewed bomb in one of those oversized bags and I might be shark feed in two hours. The fact that security seems fuck all bothered about whether the ducklings are a part of baldy's brood, or if an Al-Queda mobile destruction unit has sneaked in along with them, makes me want to scream at the uniforms. Baldy gets his boarding card stamped by a uniform who is still standing like he’s got serious hemorrhoid issues. I notice that none of the other ducklings carry a boarding card. This gets me even more jittery. What the hell is happening here?
a) A man is sent to board an aircraft without any of the basic security checks,
b) He and his personal porters breeze through security without so much as an identity check,
c) One can't be really sure that they are all HIS porters.
Here we are, pathetic passengers going through the kind of frisking and probing even a convicted drug smuggler wouldn’t have endured. Over zealous security staff checking our belongings a million times, displaying the contents of our bags like a vendor in a carnival. And there, is a bald shithead (whose major claim to fame would be the number of murders in his resume) walking past us like the president of a sovereign nation.
Fifteen minutes after take off, I proceed to get smashed drunk. If I am to be shark feed, the least I could do is marinate myself in good whiskey and give those poor things a feast. Let the world not remember me as shark food. I am shark FEAST.
Please send your contributions to:
Victims fund for 9/11, 9/12, 9/13…
Airport Security Agencies Around The World
Planet Earth