Saturday, December 10, 2005

Who am I?

Life is way too short. So many things to do, so little time!!
The Torah, the Talmud, the Old testament, the New Testament, the Bagavad Gita, the Koran, the Guru Granth, the Hermatica (Love that book), the Zoroastrian Texts, Tao-te Ching, the Vedas...and its just the beginning.
It will take a couple of life times to get a take on everyone's idea of religion. And how in the name of GOD am I supposed to take an informed decision if I don't have enough time to take a look at all the contestants vying for my attention in the universal pantomime of life?
I was born a Hindu, studied in a Christian school, have Muslim friends, married a Jain girl (that's not true), become really interested in Zen Buddhism and have the hots for a Sikh girl (that's not true either, though I wish it was). I try to squeeze in a bit of religious introspection in the process and before I know it, I feel like a chicken that is asked if it want to be a Tikka or a Kebab.
Somewhere in this process, I am asked to be proud of my religion. Wow, ok, I am proud to be a pagan. Then the next question comes..Pagan? You cant be a pagan (Like they are the chief secretary of GOD, these wonderful folks cant spell pagan,leave alone elaborate on it.)
Where did we go wrong? Why did something personal come about to be a call to arms, legs and other parts of the anatomy? The suicide bomber on the Jihad tour wants to give up his/her life to take others lives so that he/she can go to paradise with virgins and clear water and unlimited fruits (that's what the Koran says). Ok, the guy has his life made with the nice virgins et al, but what does a martyr woman get? Unless she is a Lesbian, she aint going to do much with those virgins. Or are all women suicide bombers Lesbians? Fruits in paradise? Hey MR and MRS Islam, I would have thought Lamb Doner Kebab would have been more of your kind than vegetables!! Clear water? D-uh, just go to a first world country,open tap, get water, its easier than strapping semtex to your body and testing the BOOM theory.
OSAMA "the turban man" is actually "God's" check post. Its like telling the people of the world, "IDIOTS, get a grip of yourselves. You see what weirdos are capable of?" But, No, we won't take it the way it was meant to be. We will give him undue importance, make a martyr of him and build a Kaaba in his memory, thanks to another fanatic called the Bushman.
Oh that brings me to another fact. Any country that elects an idiot for a President deserves him. At least Kennedy had an ideological reason for going to war. Roosevelt had a reason to fight someone else's war. Hell, come to think of it, the Palestinians have a reason to fight, but the Bushman? He goes to war cause he wants to be a hero! Nincompoo, try fighting a war instead of sitting in your rose garden and sending the young men and women of your country to their graves because YOU have erectile dysfunction. No, pal,you ain,t going to heaven.

Contributions to:
Versace Turban for the "O Man", dunce cap for the bushman
Rome, Italy.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Sunday roast and other British oddities

What you see is roast turkey, baked potatos, yorkshire pudding, peas and onion gravy. Its a nice enough dish if you are British I suppose, but to the sub continent palate its as appealing as fried horse testicles dipped in gecko blood.
The English have a endearing habit of going to the neighborhood pub at the drop of a hat.

Mate1:"Mate, did you hear about Williams divorce?"
Mate2: "Yeah, lets go to the pub and talk about it over a beer."
Mate1: "How did the meeting go?"
Mate2: "It was ok. Come, lets go the pub and I ll tell you all about it"
Mate1: "Hey, I heard you were fired."
Mate2: "Shhhh...not here, lets go to the pub and talk about it."

The Poms need a beer at regular intervels to keep themselves from going out and annexing some part of the globe and making the natives sing "Rule Britannia". Hmm, correction, that used the be the case, now they need a beer to stop themselves singing "The Star Spangled Banner".
Another unique British habit is to say "sorry" a lot more than it is actually needed.
They are sorry for global warming, for the comet that smashed into Jupiter, for the middle eastern crisis, for human rights abuse in china and for the pigeon going poo poo in Hyde park.They are a polite race, they probably said sorry to the Germans before shooting them in the butt during WW2, but this whole apologizing thing can get on one's nerves at times.
British weather is crappy at best, their food sucks, they kowtow to the Americans, they got no good beaches and their health care system is a horror story. But....but, they know how to brew a good beer. I am thinking of relocating to the UK.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Pretty Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few thousand worth.

Dusk. Tamaraiparany river, Papanasam, Tamil Nadu.

Lights making a pretty pattern in Anchorage, Alaska

Military camp at the Indo-China border.


London Bridge. A remainder that man is still capable of building graceful structures.

The Sri Lankans, in spite of their troubles are one of the happiest people on the planet.

Sunset. Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
